Uber and DoorDash drivers have a unique advantage in helping fight human trafficking due to their ability to get an up-close observation of suspicious home environments, or unusual activity. It gives you the chance to be eyes on the ground without putting a victim at risk.
1) Uber Drivers
Please read the poster thoroughly to understand the importance of your role in assisting riders/customers who may be victims of exploitation. Prior to placing the poster in an easy-reach place for your rider, be sure to do the following:
- Cut the individual barcodes vertically up to the top of the line to separate each tab for an easy tear-off by the user. Remember they may be panicked or in a hurry, so you want to make the process as easy and discreet as possible.
- If a rider tears off the tab and hands it to you, this is your cue to report their cry for help to appropriate law enforcement services. For cases in Shasta County, this will involve the Redding Local Dispatch (SHASCOM) (530) 245-6500. Please save this number to your phone along with the important reporting details found in the "What to Report" downloadable file, below. For emergencies, always call 911.
- If a victim is too afraid to tell you verbally what is going on, or they physically can't due to their abuser riding in the vehicle with them, they will be reliant on your discretion and situational awareness to keep them safe. It is important that when they muster the courage to reach out for help, you don't blow their cover in front of anyone they are riding with, or do anything to rile suspicion. Even the most seemingly harmless female passenger could be a danger to them if they are made aware that this person is attempting to escape.
2) Hotel Staff and Other Service Providers
Please read the poster thoroughly to understand the importance of your role in assisting clients who may be victims of exploitation.
Prior to placing the poster on the back of the door in the women's bathroom stalls, please ensure you do the following:
- Cut the individual barcodes vertically up to the top of the line to separate each tab for an easy tear-off by the user. Remember they may be panicked or in a hurry, so you will want to make the process as easy and discreet as possible.
- Ensure you hand write on the poster which staff members the victim can safely hand the slip to, such as "Front desk". In larger establishments you don't want to risk a victim handing it to a member of staff who, for example, is part time and doesn't know what to do with it.
- If you have maintenance or cleaning staff, ensure they familiarize themselves with the poster and make it a part of their daily check list to count the number of remaining barcodes at the end of each shift. Formalize an internal reporting process through your management structure to make them aware of any situations that arise.
- Ensure all staff, especially front of house and reception staff are aware of what to do should someone hand them the barcode and keep Redding Local Dispatch phone number to hand (found above).